Thursday, December 28, 2023
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Margret - you nailed it. It does matter.
For as long as I can remember I have preferred my coffee in a tall rather than wide cup. It's my experience that coffee stays hotter longer in the taller, cylindrical cup. The wider cup exposes more surface area from which heat can escape. Makes sense to me and I expect Einstein as well.
My cup measures 4 and 3/16ths tall and 3 and 1/8th wide with a slight flare on the rim. The handle has a little bump in the top curve that is just right for the thumb to rest on. The sides of the cup are straight. No bulges.
I like a China cup. The one I am using now is made in England. It's bone China. I'm not clear as to where the bones come into the plan but there it is written on the bottom of the cup. Many of the cups that I use are actually made in China. I can't tell the difference. This style of cup seams to be a standard mold pattern in the China cup industry.
I'm not particularly picky about any art work on the cup but I do seem to lean toward flowers. I do not favor cute aphorisms on my cups. I do a fair amount of thinking as I sip from my cups, but I like freestyle thinking not pre-programmed one-liners by some back office poet in waiting, And just to be clear, I don't care for those thick road house mugs that seem endemic to the roadside café. Their only virtue is indestructibility.
I'm always on the lookout for another cup. Mostly, I have found them at TJ-Max. Carol Ann and I would look at each other some cold gray November morning and think, "What are we thinking? Why sit here waiting for a blizzard when we could go see if the stock has rolled over at TJ-Max.
Friday, November 3, 2023
There isn't much you need to do to be old - just show up. I understand that there are many impediments to aging, such as disease, accident or being the star in the ultimate reality show: the hideously popular Mass Shooting. Many people think that in spite of eating your greens and regular exercise the smart money is on pure luck. At least that's what my doctor tells me and she's not smiling.
Remember those years when falling was fun - you just tucked your head and rolled up and kept running and falling all over again.
At what point - can you remember - at what point did it begin to frighten you? Don't worry if you don't yet worry about falling. I'm in my tenth decade and I only just began to be concerned. You have time. (Wink Wink)
Of course, I'm cultivating a working relationship with the neighborhood neurologist. Here's what he said: Get a walker, He gave me a prescription for one. I'm thinking, Won't that make me look old and feeble? For the time being I put that thought aside. Which leads me to the next topic -
I know this because I have a birthday this month. Many of my favorite friends are November babies. My father, John Murdock Henderson was 125 on the first. Happy birthday, Dad.
Friday, August 11, 2023
But wait! I'm not done. While this demon from the sky was tightening its grip on her arm and striking at her glasses this woman is not standing still. She is making moves that would have impressed the judges on Dancing With The Stars. Just then this huge hawk dives on the flailing reptile wrapped arm and began clawing and pecking at the snake obviously trying to retrieve his lunch that was, just as obviously dropped from on high. Viciously tearing at the four foot long snake with it's curved beak and deadly talons, the hawk, showing little concern over whose flesh it was ripping and tearing, finally freed the snake from the woman's arm and flew off to his pick-nick site in the woods.
The good news is that the woman's injuries were serious but not deadly. She will be some time recuperating. The less than good news is she will never trust anything that moves in the grass, along with a few other things. I'm guessing she will also add an overhead inspection to her outdoor activities from now on. It couldn't hurt, what with global warming and all.
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Sunday, July 16, 2023
Balancing Act
Seven years ago I had cochlear implant surgery. In the immediate recovery period, I had some serious vertigo episodes. It's much better now but there remains an ongoing balance issue that will not, I expect, go away. When I fell in my kitchen while simply turning around, I broke my arm - my right arm. I had to train my left arm and hand to do some things it was never expected to do. The message was clear. I need ongoing, no nonsense help. Denial simply won't work anymore.
The hiking sticks project the message that this guy is out for some exercise. The Evening Blue, collapsible, adjustable cane with a fitted hand grip projects the message that this guy has a disability, be ready to assist or at least be kind.
It's going to take some time. It won't happen overnight. It's not like I have an injured leg or ankle. It's for balance. It's tripping insurance. I've already found out there is a rhythm to using a walking stick. I like rhythm. I'll check and see if I can chew gum at the same time.