Sunday, July 16, 2023

Balancing Act

It has finally happened. It probably dosen't mean much but it feels like it does. For years I have been using hiking poles to steady my step on uneven terrain. Just this week I ordered an actual adjustable walking stick - the kind that people use who could not get about without it - that kind of cane.

Seven years ago I had cochlear implant surgery. In the immediate recovery period, I had some serious vertigo episodes. It's much better now but there remains an ongoing balance issue that will not, I expect, go away. When I fell in my kitchen while simply turning around, I broke my arm - my right arm. I had to train my left arm and hand to do some things it was never expected to do. The message was clear. I need ongoing, no nonsense help. Denial simply won't work anymore.

The hiking sticks project the message that this guy is out for some exercise. The Evening Blue, collapsible, adjustable cane with a fitted hand grip projects the message that this guy has a disability, be ready to assist or at least be kind.

It's going to take some time. It won't happen overnight. It's not like I have an injured leg or ankle. It's for balance. It's tripping insurance. I've already found out there is a rhythm to using a walking stick. I like rhythm. I'll check and see if I can chew gum at the same time.