I remember waking up on my 60th birthday thinking, "Well that was easy. I just had to wake up and I am 60 years old!" That was then - this is now and it is 21 years later.
That day seems a lifetime ago. It wash't easy for me. It was the first time in my life that I really felt old. Not old and decrepit but not young or even middle aged anymore. It got my attention.
I do not plan to use these pages to complain - much. I only want to find the voice of an octogenarian who actually believes this is that part that Browning referred to when he said, "The best is yet to be..." I like being old. However, I purely don't give a damn for the physical limitations that inevitably accompany the aging process. You want to be old, then pardoner, you better buckle on your sword and shield, because there's a battle raging and you are needed on the front lines. It's your battle. It's my battle.
Luck has a lot to do with how well we age. Attitude has more to do with it. Luck is easy. You either have some or you don't. Attitude is all work but the payoff is pure gold. I am a naturally pessimistic, sarcastic, naysaying curmudgeon. I know this so I work on keeping those urges in the background and it wold seem that I am getting better at doing that. Old dogs can learn.
So, I hope we all can enjoy a measure of good luck, good food and good company as we move into this best part of life. Watch your step. Stay in touch. Laugh a lot. Why not?
Jerry Henderson
I LOVE your new look and would advocate going with this, m-o-s-t of the time. Like anything, when blogger updates, I delay moving onto a newer version, until they eventually force me to update. I like the comfort of the old. Or maybe it just is I have not the time to learn the new. But I like the variety and I like the editing of layout. You can be very creative if you have the inclination, which apparently from this new fancy set up, here, you do:) Have fun. Keep me updated!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnother plus, you can get Mum on-board with how to post replies, LOL.