Forgive the attitude, but I have to say that some of our fine elected legislators - which means we're to blame - seem to think that if they have nothing better to do then they have to come up with a new law. I mean, they're legislators - but do they have to make laws, whether needed or not? Such a mind set deserves to be tied to a post and every glop of mud, garbage and cesspool overflow dumped on his/her head for at least a fortnight. I always wanted to use that word.
This is a prime example of what I am talking about. It seems that a fine Democrat, no less, has proposed to make I-295 in the southern Maine region, a toll road. This would be like requiring you to pay $2 to enter your grocery store, get out of your driveway or go to the post office. Although, in the latter case, it seems that might not be an issue much longer.
First, dozens of toll booths would need to be built at incalculable expense. Then you need an entire bureaucracy to run the thing. Not to mention the constant bother to daily commuters by the thousands who have been using the roadway for years without political meddling.
In response, I am proposing a secret, clandestine, subversive and militant quasi religious force of freedom fighters whose single purpose if to fight the pernicious political practice of gouging the citizenry of our fair state every time they get a chance. I would tell you what we intend to do but that would be breaking our sacred vow of secrecy.
I will tell you this much, confidentially - I am installing a quick release cover to my septic tank to facilitate the odd last minute midnight "baptism", if you know what I mean, of the most serious offenders.
Who do these bozos in Augusta and Washington, for that matter, think they are? We the people sent them there to see if they can make our lives better, not to burden us with petty projects and power pandering.
Message to all elected persons:
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