Location: Elmwood Rd, Pownal, ME, United States
Weather: 21° Clear
Regarding Thanksgiving Day: I like to think that I am somehow immune to the emotional baggage that comes along with Thanksgiving Day. I am not. CA worked last night and therefore had to sleep all day. So I was actually alone for the day and it felt like it.
On almost any other day It would have been business as usual but this day was different. I don't know what I expected but I did know something was missing. Of course, I knew what it was. I missed family and friends around me. I was not blind-sided by this at all. It was on the calendar, so to speak.
I am alone many days without a thought toward being lonely. Today was different. History and tradition and the media dictate that one should be with family or friends or both on this of all days. I am always thinking I am above all those external influences. But today I am hauled in by the thinnest of emotional threads and beached on the sands of sentimentality. I was lonely for the sight and sound and touch of someone I loved, and in some fair moment, who might have loved me. Sometimes it's tough being human, or at least to own up to it.
There was no harm done. I hauled in some wood for the fires. I got all sweaty on the treadmill while listening to a great courtroom tale and showered off with extra warm water for an extra long time. I permitted cocktail hour to begin half an hour earlier than usual. To hell with those prudes who say NO to drinking alone. It was a fine moment.
Somehow, I would be reluctant to give up the day as it was. As the saying goes: "It's an ill wind that blows no good". It was a good day for collecting truth stones and a few jewels of insight.
I can imagine next Thanksgiving completely surrounded by people I love and looking for a quiet corner to collect myself in readiness for the next "event" of the day. Be careful what you wish for....
Sometimes I am simply overcome with gratitude. How lucky can one man be?
G B Henderson